Annual Christmas Event 

"A Movie with Santa"

That's a wrap! We had an amazing time with 38 families showing up for "A Movie with Santa"! An our surprise guest "Santa and Mrs. Claus who made the night so special for all the children!

2nd Annual Christmas Store!

We also held our 2nd Annual Christmas Store! Where families were able to come and pick out gifts for their children! Helping an additional 29 families!

Thank You to our Sponsors and Volunteers


PK Staff


Olive Garden

The Classic Banquet Hall

2024's Event was Magical!

They filled our Clothing Truck!

Exam Rooms filling with Christmas Gifts!

Santa Elves Dropping off Gifts!

How you can help for next year 2025! 

*If you fall into any of the Categories below please click on the button for more information on how to get involved. 


It starts with the amazing  support of our Local and Corporate Sponsors! 

Corporate Sponsor

The Event

Next,  Christmas Elf's that adopt  these families. 

Adopt - A - Family


Last, Volunteers that come out  the night of the event to make "Christmas Memories" 
